The Eonian Calendar


The Eonian calendar was standarized in the year 0 CE by Oogaboogümblur, Mout-Dfon, Qwarip, Neopag Empire, and many other major kingdoms, which had agreed on this to improve communications in between countries. It has 352 days, with 11 months, with 32 days each. Each month is named after the Ancient Oogan numbers. In order, they are Tan, Astan, Feitan, Butan, Cutan, Patan, Setan, Vitan, Des, and Destan. There are 4 8-day weeks per month, which unlike human culture, do not have names. The actual length of the Ionian orbital year is 351.1249 days, meaning abour every eight years, the calendar is only 351 days long, with Destan having only 31 days.

The calendar has been going for 2,079 years, which is only 2004 Gregorian years. (confusion alert) However, the oogan calendar was founded in the Gregorian year of 120 CE, making the Eonian universe "farther ahead" (time is not universal) in time. Combined with the fact that the oogan universe is older and the Ionian species have been around for longer, this makes the oogans much more technologically advanced

To see the currentt oogan date, visit this project.