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Class: 3

Level 34 is a very large, abandoned bowling alley filled with blue chairs. Level 34 is somewhat creepy, due to its dim lighting. There are many different alleys. Most of them are slightly degraded and have blue chairs on them. The lights here are prone to flickering. Due to this, most of the level is lit by flashlights set up by lostsouls. The floor here is solid concrete, with thin black and blue carpet. The carpet has gray letter Gs plastered all over the carpet. There are many counters nearby the alleys. Most of these counters have nothing on them and nothing behind them. Some of them have shoe racks and bowling balls behind them. There may be entities managing the counters with things behind them. You can pay 50 booga bucks to get bowling shoes and a bowling ball. If you find an alley without chairs, you can go bowling normally. The machinery is clunky and commonly breaks, and most of the alleys are for some reason filled with blue, plastic chairs. Around the alleys, there are many shops selling things like merch and pizza (yum). You can also challenge entities to games. If you win, you go to level 35. You can noclip to go to level 36. If you lose, nothing will happen, except that you are now 50 booga bucks in debt. Loser. You can also find a beige chair to go to level 88. There are a few entities here. There is one group here. They are a band of Corrupteds, Oogans, and humans. They are called the Thug Club. Their motto is “WE GEEK HARD.”

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