Level 9 is an endless expanse of blinding white rooms plastered with paintings. The hard plastic walls reflect more than 99.99% of light. The majority of the level is hallways and somewhat large rooms, but sometimes you can find completely black rooms that absorb more than 99.99999% of light, making it almost impossible to see in here. Paintings are your only way of finding your way in here, but they are much rarer in these rooms, and always quite cryptic. There are many odd, shaped obstacles in these black rooms, and it is not recommended to traverse these, but if you need to sleep, you won’t be able to in the white rooms due to the blinding lights, so going in here is your best bet, but don’t go too far, as terrain is impossible to make out and you likely won’t be able to make it back. In the white rooms, you can find birch wood benches or chairs that face odd directions, never towards paintings. On the walls sometimes there are faded messages of a light gray color that blend into the level. These have cryptic messages but disappear after a few minutes. There is one entity here, the whiteents. These can blend into the level and will chase after you. Try getting to a darkroom, they can’t enter these. The layout of the level never changes, but it’s non-euclidian. Occasionally behind large paintings, usually by Cvil DeVan Rallah, you’ll find rooms with birch floors. These usually have tables with food. The rooms can be on flat walls, like the rest of the level geometry. The paintings act like they are not there, and you can just walk through them. You can enter by finding an area where the level turns white and has paintings on level 7, like this level is seeping through. There will be a tunnel into the ceiling, which leads to this one. You can also go through the tunnel behind the window on level eight to enter. The last way to enter is finding a pit into this level from the end level. You can exit the level by going through a painting of a mineshaft, which takes you to level 10.
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