This level contains the buried bodies of every entity, lostsoul, or really anything that has died in the oogarooms. The time is always night, and the sky is starry. There is a harvest supermoon in the sky, which is the only illumination. There is a light drizzle of rain across the level. The terrain of level 27 is mostly flat, with the occasional slight hill and such. When there are hills and similar things, they are very gradual. There is a main dirt and gravel path about twenty meters wide with graves surrounding it. You will always enter this level somewhere along this main path, which splits into many, many more. The grass is a dark green color with splotches of dead grass every now and then. The level is surrounded by an extremely thick forest spruce and oak trees, similar to the entrance of level 236. There is a black wrought iron fence preventing you from exiting the graveyard. The fence is very ornately decorated, with carvings and designs. The designs are mostly of ancient oogan tales and other such things. The graves are made of hard granite and seem to be decorated depending on what entity was buried there. Every grave has an entity name and a number. There are no dates carved in the stones. Enter by falling into the void in 26. Exit by feeling guilt. This sends you to level 29. Another method of exiting level 27 is through the splotches of dead grass, which by noclipping through them, will take you to level 222.
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