Notice: We do not actually suggest that you drink caesium, as it is highly reactive and dangerous. Stay safe.
Welcome to Drink Caesium, a website about random stuff that makes no sense. This site contains information about the Eonian Lore project, from history and wars to space travel and liminal spaces. If you enjoy wordbuilding projects that have bonker characters and other such things, Drink Caesium is for you! It is advised to read the basics section below before looking through the pages.
OBM is a silly creature created sometime from late 2020 to early to mid 2021 that has spanned into an entire reality and huge lore project. This project mainly includes Eonian Lore and The Oogarooms. In total, the OBM Lore file is 132MB and the oldest document in it is more than 800 days old (i stopped keeping track sorry). Full history can be found here. So, lets get into the real basics. What is OBM, and what is his imagined history? OBM is an endearing character. The oogan reality was created by the Deites about 22 billion years ago. A solar system around a star name Eon formed, which gave rise to the proto-oogans, which evolved into the oogans. Over time, they continued through the universe in similar fashion to the humans of our reality, until about 6 million years ago. The Exogs had discovered a race of evil creature known as Colossals, which were created by the fallen deity to torture the ones that followed his astral brother, Ocelight. The colossals were banished to the alternate realities like the AOO and oogarooms, and life continued on. In the present oogan day, 2078, eonians have advanced space travel and live a good life. Now, what are the oogarooms? In reality, they began as something of a backrooms fan project, but it has evolved into much more. While still following the general idea of levels, entities, and items, they are wildly different. If you so wish, you can download the oogan lore archive here. If you want to support the website, subscribe to the channels gemtuN and bluepoint.
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Last Updated: January 16th, 2025