Main Tunnel


The main tunnel is a large tunnel that is known to have been used for agrucultural transportation. It is located on floor 2, (floors in the basements are in reverse order, top floor is floor 1,) and goes through this floor for an unknown amount of time, probably being half a kilometer or more. It also goes straight through the expansion sector. It is known to be overgrown with plants and moss. As stated in the journals of Ikhals, "... the tunnel is overgrown now. It's probably been maybe two or three years since I was last here. The rusty old building mechanisims appear to have also been carving away, extending the tunnel. The farther to the end of the tunnel I got, the less vegitation there was, until near the end, it was an empty, steril tunnel. It was quite unnerving, and a stark change from what I knew of it." Other reports from offical Bulwark documents found in the abandoned building show that like the expansion sector, the lights in the tunnel are designed to mimick sunlight. This explains why there is such an abundance of plants in this area, along with the proximity to many of the farm areas. It is also known that the water purification system has an outpost here, as described in the journal. "I stopped before entering the main length tunnel, and filled my canteens, as well as the canteens of my wife, with water. I am glad to have found some, with each passing year more and more of the purifacation systems break down. I fear that if I do not escape, soon we will all die of thirst."