The S-Sector / Expansion Sector


Excerpt from "The Basements," C2056.

"...documents leaked from the construction of this place [The Basements] are incredibly rare. There were very few bleprints made of the place, but a select few have been found. Few... [blueprints] has turned up throughout the years, one of which being known as the S/Expansion Sector. This document was found by urban explorers in the small Valoian city of Jukolag, where Bulwark was known to have constructed their main building. The Expansion sector, as I call it, is a large bridge between the floors of the basements, which this document confirms that there are 6 floors. This sector is records to be fifty-eight meters long, eight meters wide, and forty-one meters tall. This area was probably meant to be some sort of social/economic area, based off of the planned bleachers and empty storefronts. Considering that this area was built nearly sixty years ago, it is reasonable to assume that the lower sections of the sector are flooded and unusable, as the bottom floor of the Expansion sector is a meter lower than the bottom floor of the basements. This area may have also been used for agruculture, as the lights within are specifically designed to emit light similar to that of Eon."

As author and explorer Sir Vinalog wrote, few blueprints were recovered from the construction of the basements. This sector is now known to have not been flooded, and it was indeed a social place. A man who was identified as Ikhals whose body was found nearby where The Basements are assumed to be located had tons of journals in his backpack had things to say.

"...the place could have easily housed the whole population of the major groups I know of, but alas, we would fight over resources. And after what Mary did, I don't think many people would like to come back. The place, despite being dirty like everything else, was always homey. The shops, the plants growing down from the ceiling, and other things always make me feel good."





